1157 results found
Planned workout notification and Subjective Feedback nudge
I think it would be helpful to have a push notification option for athletes that shows them the planned workout for the day in addition to or instead of the daily email.
I would also like to see a push notification that nudges athletes to fill out subjective metrics daily. I believe this would help with accountability and with collection of subjective feedback, which ultimately helps with coaching.
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Account for maintenance calories in app
In the TrainingPeaks app, under the calories and macronutrient charts, please add the ability to account for calorie expenditure based on either the basal metabolic rate, or a user determined calorie goal. The web version of the platform already has this ability under the 'Calories by Time Period' chart, but the app lacks this. At least that's true for the Android version of the software. If the maintenance calories are not accounted for, the consumed calories far out-weigh the expended calories. It would be nice to just look at the graph and know that the required calories are being consumed…
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Wattage targets for selected time blocks.
I would like a graph that could be used to identify the number of occasions a rider was over a certain wattage level for a certain block of time. For example, in a Crit, how many times was the athlete above 600 watts for 5 seconds or 400 watts for 10 seconds. I could see this as a function of the Scatter Graph where the X access would be time and Y access watts and all of the data points that met the sub-criteria of desired time over desired watts would be highlighted.
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Add Peak Power history as a chart
Please add the Peak Power history as a chart...similar to charts in the WKO5 Peaks dashboard.
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It would be great if I could choose what workouts not to upload to training
For example if I take a brisk walk. I may not want that uploaded to the app. There could be options of which workouts to upload…defaulted to all. User can choose which not upload. Or is this feature available and I just haven’t found it
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Please include a mechanism for hiding our daily CTL, TSS, and Fatigue scores
Please include a mechanism for hiding our daily CTL, TSS, and Fatigue scores, particularly via the mobile app. Coached athletes do not need the added stress, pressure, or self-consciousness that these numbers can cause, particularly when the full context of what is going on with that athlete is not understood in the digital world. Being presented with your CTL number on a daily basis, front and center, with no way to avoid, can be a demoralizing experience and counterproductive to long-term training. A settings option to turn this off would be an appropriate and appreciated feature.
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group training plans
as an athlete I would like the option to create groups for my purchased training plans and move my plans. there is something similar in the web app but is static should be editable by users
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View specific athlete from "My Athletes" Calendar page
I often look at the "My Athletes" dropdown in the Calendar view for a quick full picture of all my athletes. However, I'd love to be able to then click an athlete's name from the "My Athletes" view and have it reload just that athlete's calendar.
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Phone app "Macronutrients" chart needs option to "include goal calories"
Phone app "Macronutrients" chart needs the same option as web app to "include goal calories". This would allow both phone app and web app charts to have the same info.
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Ability to scale an interval target value by a % when using workout builder
At the moment we either have to use the slider to alter the intensity or duration of an interval, for each interval. This is quite tedious, cumbersome and slow.
It would be great if we could highlight a section of a workout, or select certain intervals, and just increase those by a desired % value.1 vote -
scheduling comments
I have students that I coach and I would like to schedukle reply comments when they are not in school or sleeping. I review their workouts late or school hours and don't want to interrupt them in the middle of the class or sleeping
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Please update TrainingPeaks to Be Compatible with Windows 11
Please update TrainingPeaks to be compatible with Windows 11. When opening a workout in Windows 11, the viewing window is all messed up. The tables don't load properly, comments can't be added unless I do a workaround, the analysis wizard doesn't size the graphs, zooming doesn't work properly, etc. etc. There are all sorts of issues it makes it very difficult to do everything I need to do when analyzing workouts and leaving comments for my coach.
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Filter plans by Male vs Female author
It would be helpful if an athlete can filter the training plans based on the gender of the plan author.
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Glossary of terms
An easy glossary of initialisms/acronyms in the platform. They're not really clear and show up everywhere but don't lead back to an easy way to read about terminology like TSS.
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Ipad display issue
HI Guys my I pad training peaks calendar has a glitch and shows the Monday activity on the Sunday and Sunday has gone. If I open training peaks on computer or phone no problem - it is as it should be.
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Make use of app optional for mobile.
One an android mobile its not possible to log into the Training Peaks web application. It always redirects to the mobile app.
But with this behavior it's not possible to use features like adding equipment.1 vote -
Drag and delete calendar cards
I suggest dragging and deleting calendar cards if one drops them in the week summary area. That would decrease user clicks from three to one (maybe two if you keep the confirmation dialog).
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Add power meter device id tag to completed workouts
As a coach, I track what bike athletes use through the power meter device id available on WKO5. Can we have that on the TrainingPeaks web app?
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Import data accurately for once?
No idea why my data can't be imported properly by TP. The tech people have been terrible with addressing this as power smoothing. But power smoothing 50-100+ watts for sustained intervals that aren't 5 second sprints? This is inexcusable for a paid service
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Add estimated distance
When reviewing my planned workout, it would be very nice to see an estimated distance based on the est avg pace without having to do the calculation in my head or guess. Just helpful to see the rough distance so as to know which running route I will need to take to consumer the time within the workout plan
1 vote
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