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TrainingPeaks Customer Feedback



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  1. As endurance beginner I often experience a gap between the prediction of form and my true capability of working out.

    I sometimes wasn‘t able to do group rides I wanted because activities added up different from prediction of Form.

    I figured out that there are muscular stress factors which overweight the overall stress score - like sore muscles after a little too hard strengh training. Or when you did even a single interval which was way beyond the sweet spot.

    So I would love to see a number muscular Stress which is measured separately. The IF woukd play a bigger…

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  2. When writing training plans it's common to dive into multiple libraries to find workouts, so the left hand bar quickly becomes cluttered with open libraries. It would be really nice to have a "collapse all" (or other appropriate terminology) to instantly close them all rather than manually doing it one by one

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  3. Hello,
    when will it be possible to work in %PMA in cycling and %VMA in running and swimming.

    Criteria should be added to the zone data.
    - PMA: cycling
    - VMA: running
    - VAM: in swimming

    Therefore, in a session, we could choose to work on % of our data.

    In absolute terms, the ideal would be to be able to do a session of this kind.

    - 5min between 50-70% heart rate max
    - 10min 100% heart rate threshold cycle
    - 2min 50-70% max heart rate cycling
    - 20min of cycling 100% ftp
    - 2 min 50-70% max…

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  4. Often times I'll utilize the feature that allows removal of non-essential laps. Presently, I have to select a lap, click the checkbox and then wait for the delete prompt... so 3 clicks per lap. Y'all are good at math... if I'm removing 10 laps, that's 30 clicks vs. with my suggestion it's 12.

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  5. When workout files are exported to .csv the Planned Duration and Distance are exported along with the Actual IF and TSS. It would be nice the Planned IF and TSS were exported for comparison offline.

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  6. Sería interesante poder hacer igual que se puede en garmin el crear workout mixtos, en los que para el caso de intervalos/series se puedan marcar distancias y las recuperaciones por tiempo. Actualmente o se hacen entrenamientos en base a distancia o tiempo

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  7. Allowing Comments on Notes will improve the communication between athlete and coach.

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  8. TP desperately needs a way for people to provide coach feedback and reviews. Same goes for the training plans. My wife got burned twice by working with incompetent and unreliable coaches. The same goes for the training plans they are publishing. Just because someone says they are a qualified coach, does not mean they have any clue as to what they are doing or creating.

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  9. Currently you can do a structured run workout on heart rate, it will give an alarm when you go out of your zone.
    I would like this for run power (with stryd).

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  10. When workout builder is updated, please consider adding nested repeats. Right now, I need to layout all my sub-repeats and then copy everything again. I realize that may be hard to follow non-visually, so... an example is below. So, for this example, I'd want to set a high level repeat of 2 and then have the individual repeat sets underneath.

    Core 1200yd - REPEAT x2
    1 x 100yd Freestyle (Endurance Pace)
    4 x 50yd Freestyle Kick with Fins
    6 x 50yd Freestyle Pull with Pull buoy

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  11. Presently when the workout builder is used to create a swim workout the yardage increments as it's build on the calendar. However, once it's moved to the library all planned attributes are removed. While I understand TSS, etc. distance should be maintained.

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  12. I know there is an option to drag/drop the athlete onto the 2nd calendar, but almost 100% of the time I have the workout view open and need to switch to athlete to use drag and drop. By adding an athlete pull down to the 2nd calendar, I could stay on the workout tab and still select an athlete for the 2nd calendar. Less clicks, more productivity

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  13. When planning a week and balancing within daily and weekly TSS and form targets, it would be really useful to have a toggle whereby the DAILY TSS & TSB were displayed above or in each day within the calendar view.

    This would help me plan my weekly distribution within the weekly ATP TSS, whilst monitoring the TSB to ensure I don't overshoot on particular days. This is also important for scenario planning - what if I shift this workout forward or backwards to compensate for availability - what is the impact on the shape of the week?

    At the moment,…

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  14. Would be super to also have REST hear rate synched to TP as we are now able to synch healt status as well. It is extremly important for caches and athletes to track rest HR for training.

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  15. please add 'swimming' to the 'gear' tab so that tri-athletes can add their goggles and see how much use we have put them through. thanks

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  16. 3 votes

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  17. Sleep data including % slept in various sleep stages from Fitbit including daily readiness score. Similar info that transfers for whoop device users.

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  18. While preparing for an event, it would be nice to overlay previous period to compare progress. Like, what do these 16 weeks look like, compared to another “similar period” last year. Especially interesting if you reuse an old training plan.

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  19. The summer 2022 update with the recent change to add steps to the workout builder has broken the add/remove repetitions from a single step workout block. Now only multi-step workout blocks have the repetitions option. Please add back the single step workout block option.

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  20. Sometimes the gps fails and records numbers that are LITERALLY impossible, but the system does not allow to erase them and the "unreal" peaks remain there forever. It would be really useful if the new performance peaks could be "accepted" if it is a real peak or "rejected" if you know they are false. For Garmin, this option exists for "personal records", not sure if it is possible to do here.

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