1159 results found
Confirmation popup that Drag and drop workout files (BETA feature) has been successful
Drag and drop can sometimes fail in TP BETA and no way of knowing until looking on the calendar. For one workout this is not a train wreck, but if you drag multiple files over and 1 or 2 of them fail, then its very time consuming and frustrating working out what has happened and putting it right.
9 votes -
Block athletes from altering their prescribed training.
As a coach, be able to block an athlete from altering their prescribed training. Heaven forbid some of mine have altered theirs, I would like to block them from doing so....
3 votesThe new Beta app now supports “locking” which is a feature of our old app and new. In Beta, athletes will not be able to edit any planned information. In Classic, they can edit the workout information but not change its date. So, we’re kind of halfway in between the ideal solution, which is what you propose. So, we’re getting there.
Be able to set notification parameters to athlete's daily metrics so coaches can get notified when an athlete exceeds one e.g. MRHR
Be able to set notification parameters to athlete's daily metrics so coaches can get notified when an athlete exceeds one -- a weight parameter which could indicate dehydration, or high morning resting HR which could indicate high fatigue, or overall fatigue level high, etc.
6 votes -
Ability to upload Tanita B1000 scale metrics to Training Peaks
Ability to upload Tanita B1000 scale metrics to Training Peaks
8 votesWe hope that Tanita will code this feature into their software and use our API to send data (similar to Withings scales). Please ask Tanita to contact us.
Allow a coach to set time in zones for workouts in exercise library
1. The idea is to set the amount of time spends in every training zone in the exercise- For example (for zones S1-S7):
We have 2:30h training which consists of:
- 20min preecool, S1-S2
- sets for LT: 5x5min S4, 3min breaks S1
- 20min cooling, S1
- power intevals: 3x1min S6, 5min breaks S1
- S2 to the end of the trainingAnd the coach can set (during presribing the training) time in every zone, in a separate window/section in an exercise view:
S1 = 40min
S2 = 82min
S3 = 0min
S4 = 25min
S5 = 0min…13 votes -
Receive a notification when a client is added to your account
It would be the bees knees if coaches received a notification when a new athletes was added to their account.
1 vote -
Make quadrant analysis chart labels informative beyond merely descriptive.
Quadrant analysis is brilliant. Label the chart so we can screen grab and mail to a client with labels that help the user understand it.
10 votes -
It seems a no brainer to include a Dashboard pod for Hunter Allen's Fatigue Profiling.
Given Hunter's relationship with Training Peaks it would be great to see his Fatigue Profiling available
27 votes -
Scroll between people
Scroll between people is great. I see you tried to get it in, it doesnt work correcty. Even more fasten and simpler is to show 3 names.
Like this< sander, mark, judith
Mark is shown. You can pres judith and its teh next, you can press sander and its the previous.
Good luck.
4 votes -
1) Create a universal equipment type
2) Build groups of universal equipment into "configuration"
3) Allow for designation of configurations and additions/removals of pieces of equipment for an activityExample:
Equipment: road bike frame, training wheels, race wheels
Configuration A: road bike frame, training wheels
Configuration B: road bike frame, race wheelsSolves at least 5 separate equipment-related suggestions.
5 votes -
I would like to have ability to print my purchased plan into PDF or Excel, CVS format
I would like to print my purchase plan, from an easier method and cleaner way than from the actual print option in T.
PDF, CVS , or Excel would be amazing
7 votes -
Remove the requirement to enter threshold power in order for NP to be calculated.
Could TP remove the requirement to enter threshold power in order for NormPower to be calculated? Since threshold power is not a variable that's a part of the algorithm it's hard to understand why this is required. Not all coaches base their training or ranges around "Threshold" so it's a bit unclear as to why this must be done and would be helpful to not have to enter default data that does not have any bearing on the athlete just to use the NP functionality in the graphs.
1 vote -
Averages for WKO or Tp.com power charts-avg up highlighted selections
Be nice to have a simple "selections avg" for power or all the standard metrics listed in the table. Give an average for all highlighted selections within a workout. Thus if you have several 1 minute intervals and wanted to see the average of them, no more pulling out the calculators
15 votes -
Different unit for different sports
It would be nice to have the ability to select different unit system for different sports. For example, I use English units for my run log (mile, min/mile, ...) and I keep my swimming log under metric system (m, min/100m, ...
TrainingPeak's support confirmed with me that this is not possible with current version of TP. I really hope this can be included in future releases.1 vote -
Give the opportunity to upload csv from a C2 indoor rower and the freeware RowIt.
There is no free opportunity to upload csv from the C2 rowing machine straight to TP.
The freeware RowIt produce csv, it would be great to be able to upload C2 csv files.
I enclose a small csv generated by RowIt.6 votes -
view graph by time of day
When viewing the graph of a workout, it can be displayed with time on the X-axis (from 0:00 to the end of the workout) or with distance on the X-axis (from 0.00 to the full distance). Would it be possible to add a third option: Time Of Day? For example, if a workout was an hour long and started at 3pm, then the X-axis would the time from 15:00 to 16:00. Thanks.
6 votes -
Add to workout views the ability to see your slowest/lowest/etc values per various durations
When viewing a workout, it's easy to see peak values for HR, speed, pace, cadence, power, etc. for various durations. I have often found it would be helpful in analyzing workouts even further if I could easily determine where in my workout was my lowest speed, cadence, power, HR, etc. Then easily identifying these slower parts of a run/ride could help you identify limiters and/or weaknesses that you need to improve, or possibly just areas of a workout you need better mental focus perhaps.
Would it be possible to add in future updates of the workout viewer to have these…
9 votes -
search workout library
When doing a search within a workout library, allow the search to include the content of the workout description!
12 votes -
Macronutrient daily breakdown in mobile app
Meals in the mobile app show a macro-nutrient breakdown. It'd be nice if the calendar day view also presented a similar graphical and textual breakdown for the day.
10 votes
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