1153 results found
trail running
add trail running/orienteering activity that calculates TSS directly from HR (hrTSS) since the use of rTSS in trail running/orienteering is not accurate because of the slower running speed at the same HR/perceived effort
26 votes -
0 votes
Subjective feedback
- allow the Coach to view the Subjective feedback scale (right now it's very small and not very apparent)
- create a Subjective feedback dashboard chart to track RPE trends.
- allow Subjective feedback as a Calendar layout view (on desktop) to allow easy scanning of RPE trends from calendar without opening Quickview or Analyze
9 votes -
It would be great if I could choose what workouts not to upload to training
For example if I take a brisk walk. I may not want that uploaded to the app. There could be options of which workouts to upload…defaulted to all. User can choose which not upload. Or is this feature available and I just haven’t found it
1 vote -
Have the Coach also be able to switch to Athlete profile on both phone and computer app.
Currently, if I want to go from my coaching account to my athlete profile, I have to log out and re-log in. There should be an option to switch without having to do this step both on the app and computer.
26 votes -
Allow Emojis in Workout Title
As the title says.
4 votes -
Sync function not working from Stages Flight
The sync function from StagesFlight(VismoX) to TrainingPeaks is not working since March 2023, but it is normal before February 2023. I have visited TrainingPeaks Help Center, and followed the suggestion to disconnect and reconnect my accounts, but it does not work. I hope this issue can be solved as soon as possible, thank you.
1 vote -
Garmin Index BP montiro
I am 54. Part of my new routine has been to regularly take my blood pressure. I have always prided myself on keeping active. I have also been egotistical in ignoring some things. Heart attacks and strokes are no longer things off in the distance for me. I recently bought a Garmin Index BP monitor. It syncs with the Garmin Connect app but the data doesn't transfer over to the Training Peaks side. The Garmin S2 scale weight information transfers just fine (usually).
Anyway, as an older athlete the time has come to keep regular check of my blood pressure…7 votes -
Community form or group for our athletes
Other online training apps have the cool feature of creating groups or community forms where the athletes can share their progress and talk about their training. I think this would create a tighter knit community for the athletes and help the coaches business. Similar to Strava's club feature and Myfitnesspals group feature.
18 votes -
Gord Funk
Given that athletes train exclusively in metric or imperial (mine anyway) it would be good to be able to setup what unit the coach can see the athlete's training in. So for instance, even if my coach account is set to miles, I would see the weekly summary on the athelete's account in KM if that is what they have set themselves to.
1 vote -
Add longer durations for peaks
Please add longer standard durations for Peaks. Currently the max duration for measuring power or HR is 90 minutes. However, many fitness events, for example Gravel cycling or running marathons, last much longer than 90 minutes. Being able to measure performance over longer durations than 90 minutes is a key requirement, in training for events such as these.
There are other Ideas for the ability to define custom durations. That would be very good, but would also take quite a bit of developer time to implement since it’s a more complex function. As a short term, easier-to-implement enhancement, please just…17 votesAgreed! Longer duration peaks would be rad - we're keen on these too.
turn off 90 day peaks
Allow users to turn off 90 day peak notification. This is a meaningless stat for me
19 votes -
Default TSS Calculation choice for Swim Workouts
For swim workouts that have full HR data, the hrTSS seems to be a much better measure of workout intensity / fatigue than sTSS (swim TSS).
The ability to set swim workouts to either hrTSS or sTSS as a default would allow users to chose what works best for them, and not have to remember to adjust / change after the workout.
Currently, ALL Swim workouts default to sTSS.
I see this also shows up for trail running as well.
8 votes -
JeFit Strength Training Sync
Please work on a JeFit integration for better integration of S&C training programmes.
3 votes -
Zwift not uploading training peaks bike workout as a 3/12/23
Zwift not uploading training peaks bike workout as a 3/12/23 - May be issues on Zwifts end - yet reporting it to both platforms.
It used to update automatically from my TP account - and would appear in Zwift, under ‘Training Peaks workouts’
5 votes -
Suggestion for Charts
Good morning --
I have a couple of suggestions:
The time-in-zone chart for the workout should have the added capability to be applied over specific laps. This would be helpful in evaluating the quality of the perfomance of each interval.
The pie charts in the Dashboard should have the added capability to track mileage, time, etc., for specific bikes. I use a lot of these pie charts to manage scheduled maintenance, such as when to change out a shifter wire. If I go off to a training camp, and take a different bike, I would like mileage for that bike…
1 vote -
Add sub-folders for workouts and workout plans in TrainingPeaks web/phone app.
If you have a lot of workouts, it could be nice to be able to sort them into folders and sub-folders. It would also be nice to be able to expand the side panel so that it takes up more of the screen so that you can see more info displayed there. Most of my folder names and workout names are not fully displayed because that side panel is pretty compact on the screen.
It would also be great if there was a mouse-over function where the full text of a workouts title was displayed when you place your mouse…
5 votes -
Open Water Swim Structured Workouts
Since TrainingPeaks doesn't differentiate between open water and pool swims most devices including Garmin watches, only support importing structured workouts from TP in Pool swim mode. Seems to me we are missing a trick as the pool environment is already structured! Set distances, pool clock etc., and many swimmers (and coaches) prefer not to use a watch in the pool. However, when we go out outside, we lose the wall clock and the lap lengths. To avoid the common trap of falling into “mono-speed” swimming we still need to provide structure. I do this by setting the intervals on duration…
5 votes -
Automatically filter/delete bad HR and power data.
It is pretty common to sometimes get obviously erroneous HR or power data (e.g. HR = 250 or power = 2000w for someone who has never seen HR >185 or power >850). When looking at past peak performances over any time horizon, this bad data means that you cannot see peak performance data or you have to manually go through and delete HR and power data from those activities respectively before you can see what the athlete's actual peak performances were. This can take a lot of time if the athlete gets bad data a few times every month, and…
33 votes -
Dentro del apartado de atlethes de ciclismo, estaría bien poder ver los datos de torque (Nm)
3 votes
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