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TrainingPeaks Customer Feedback



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1153 results found

  1. I have students that I coach and I would like to schedukle reply comments when they are not in school or sleeping. I review their workouts late or school hours and don't want to interrupt them in the middle of the class or sleeping

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  2. Can you automatically add the weather based on the gpx location?
    My location changed frequently, and it could be useful to see it as historical information.

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  3. Please consider adding sleeping respiratory rate to metrics choices. Also consider allowing the user to create custom metrics.

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  4. The ability to create Meal Plans using specific calendar tiles with Nutrition related content.

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  5. When I select the drop down menu of a particular training ride (either already done or to be done) there is an option to print the home page of that particular training ride selected. Up until about four weeks ago that option worked just fine and the printed results looked just like the page for that particular training ride. Now the format is suddenly changed. This needs to be corrected so that when the print option for any particular training ride is selected the user gets the entire complete print of the displayed training ride. See attached example of the…

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  6. Please provide integration with Xiaomi Active S1

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  7. Metabolic zones seem to be the latest hype. Unfortunately, they have not yet appeared in your product. Apparently you are still attached to the traditional Coggan model, which does have some disadvantages, such as rougher, unspecific zones in terms of athlete type (sprinter, endurance type, ...), etc.
    Do you plan to consider this in the future?
    Compare e.g. Aerotune's power test...

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  8. I think it be useful to be able to copy and paste a specific segment from one workout into a separate workout? For example, I've set up several technique sessions for running, but they would also be an excellent warm-up for a more intense workout. What I'd like to do is copy the 'warm-up workout' and paste it into the high intensity workout as a pre-session warm-up. This would create a single workout instead of 2 separate workouts.

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  9. Redesign home page on iOS for iPhone (and other devices) to take full advantage of screen’s real estate. Components in current version are too big and force you to scroll too much IMO.

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  10. Make rest and recovery activities deliberately scheduled blocks of time. Just like workouts are. There's a little dopamine hit that we get by turning a workout "green," but the yoga, massage, rolling, chiropractor, compression, etc are all just as important as the workout (and equally as time consuming). I would like to be able to record and reward those, too! As it is, i record them as "other" workouts, but I'm not sure that really makes sense in the context of analytics.

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  11. At the moment we either have to use the slider to alter the intensity or duration of an interval, for each interval. This is quite tedious, cumbersome and slow.
    It would be great if we could highlight a section of a workout, or select certain intervals, and just increase those by a desired % value.

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  12. TP analytics offers "elevation correction" (important to trail & mountain runners and others) BUT after any changes, it does NOT update corresponding (r)TSS!

    I cannot find that "recalculate" button that I used before, so what I to do is switching from rTSS to TSS and back to rTSS, just to trigger that recalculation. Please fix in some way (recalculate option, trigger TSS refresh after elevation correction <> 0). thank you!

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  13. Can we have more than two data sets displayed in the 'metrics' chart? For instance, it would be good to be able to display all the sleep scores e.g. deep sleep, light sleep, REM sleep and total sleep. Or, injury, sickness, mood and stress.

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  14. Android has supported themed icon for a while. Please update the app icon to support themed icon.

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  15. Phone app "Macronutrients" chart needs the same option as web app to "include goal calories". This would allow both phone app and web app charts to have the same info.

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  17. I'm a coach with a large (50 person) team, all following the same basic periodization scheme for their year. It would be amazing if either (or both!) of the following capabilities existed:
    1. Ability for a coach to copy & paste a "basic" annual training plan from athlete to athlete. I can apply a weekly plan to multiple athletes, but I can't do the same for the ATP - I have to build it from scratch for every athlete.
    2. Ability to see an "ATP View" for a training plan that I load into an athlete. For example, if you…

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  18. To add vertical velocity (threshold Vvert, maximal aerobic Vvert..) for setting training zones for trail runners

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  19. It has been almost 9 years since you said this wasn't on your road map. Well, the roads have definitely changed; maybe it's time to reevaluate that map! I was a die hard MFP user for many years. MFP has changed and it's not the program it once was for me and many others. LoseIt! is rapidly gaining traction as the primary tracking app for many users. I switched and have no desire to go back.

    The LoseIt! of today is not the LoseIt! of 2014. I looked at it back then as well. I choose MFP over it then…

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  20. I often look at the "My Athletes" dropdown in the Calendar view for a quick full picture of all my athletes. However, I'd love to be able to then click an athlete's name from the "My Athletes" view and have it reload just that athlete's calendar.

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