173 results found
Allow coaches to create a custom order for athletes in a grouping, not just automatically sorted alphabetically.
Custom athlete ordering for coaches
4 votes -
Translate TrainingPeaks Web into More Languages
My English is not very good and I would like to switch the site to German language.
105 votes -
Copy workout on the board by CTRL+drag&drop
To make copying of the workouts in the Calendar view easier - simply CTRL+Drag&Drop should create a copy on the day to which I drag the workout to. Clickiing Copy / Paste via menu takes much more time.
47 votes -
2 workouts from 2 differents trainers
I've 2 workouts everyday in my calendar (one from my coach and the other one from my Triathlon club). I would like to know which one belong to my coach and which one to my club. (maybe with differnt colours or any special signage)? Many thanks,
10 votes -
Workout library "collapse all"
When writing training plans it's common to dive into multiple libraries to find workouts, so the left hand bar quickly becomes cluttered with open libraries. It would be really nice to have a "collapse all" (or other appropriate terminology) to instantly close them all rather than manually doing it one by one
21 votes -
When removing laps from a workout facilitate multi-select of all desired laps to be remove
Often times I'll utilize the feature that allows removal of non-essential laps. Presently, I have to select a lap, click the checkbox and then wait for the delete prompt... so 3 clicks per lap. Y'all are good at math... if I'm removing 10 laps, that's 30 clicks vs. with my suggestion it's 12.
5 votes -
Nest Repeats
When workout builder is updated, please consider adding nested repeats. Right now, I need to layout all my sub-repeats and then copy everything again. I realize that may be hard to follow non-visually, so... an example is below. So, for this example, I'd want to set a high level repeat of 2 and then have the individual repeat sets underneath.
Core 1200yd - REPEAT x2
1 x 100yd Freestyle (Endurance Pace)
4 x 50yd Freestyle Kick with Fins
6 x 50yd Freestyle Pull with Pull buoy7 votes -
Swim Workout Builder (maintain yardage)
Presently when the workout builder is used to create a swim workout the yardage increments as it's build on the calendar. However, once it's moved to the library all planned attributes are removed. While I understand TSS, etc. distance should be maintained.
1 vote -
On Dual Athlete Mode add a Pull Down on the 2nd athlete to select athlete
I know there is an option to drag/drop the athlete onto the 2nd calendar, but almost 100% of the time I have the workout view open and need to switch to athlete to use drag and drop. By adding an athlete pull down to the 2nd calendar, I could stay on the workout tab and still select an athlete for the 2nd calendar. Less clicks, more productivity
5 votes -
Planning Mode Toggle to display Daily TSS, Daily Form in the Calendar view - for dynamically planning a week in one screen
When planning a week and balancing within daily and weekly TSS and form targets, it would be really useful to have a toggle whereby the DAILY TSS & TSB were displayed above or in each day within the calendar view.
This would help me plan my weekly distribution within the weekly ATP TSS, whilst monitoring the TSB to ensure I don't overshoot on particular days. This is also important for scenario planning - what if I shift this workout forward or backwards to compensate for availability - what is the impact on the shape of the week?
At the moment,…
12 votes -
new gear options
please add 'swimming' to the 'gear' tab so that tri-athletes can add their goggles and see how much use we have put them through. thanks
6 votes -
The recent add steps to the workout builder has broken the add/remove repetitions from single step blocks
The summer 2022 update with the recent change to add steps to the workout builder has broken the add/remove repetitions from a single step workout block. Now only multi-step workout blocks have the repetitions option. Please add back the single step workout block option.
1 vote -
Click comments to go to comment
Click on the comments "icon" to go down to the comments instead of having to scroll down
3 votes -
Notification - Read/Unread Toggle and Filter
For the coach “Home” page notification “feed”, please allow users to toggle “read” and “unread” for specific notifications (or “flag” some other way. Use case: I read a notification, but want to return to it (maybe requires more thoughtful reply or analysis) so would like to re mark it as “un read” so I don’t forget about it.
For the coach “Home” page notification “feed”, the “read”/“unread” filter should out rank the others and you should be able to filter on “read”/“unread” in addition to the other filters simultaneously. So as an example, I would like to be able to…
8 votes -
Unavaibility view
Why not just have the same view as in the mobile app where all the days in the range are marked? Instead of the first day of the period and the athlete's first day of the week.
3 votes -
Export data grid from Workout / Analyze
I would like to be able to export the 'data grid' from Workout / Analyze.
Rationale is that this includes HR, distance and elevation all sampled at regular, 1-second intervals. If I export the workout file, sampling is irregular and both distance and elevation data is missing.
1 vote -
Coaches calendar reminder
Add reminders to athletes' calendars and be notified by email or web/mobile notification. It wouldn't be visible to the athlete.
17 votes -
Support direct linking to workouts for athletes and coaches
Trainingpeaks should support direct linking to a particular workout both for athletes and coaches so that I can send my coach a link to a workout they have access too, and clicking it brings up that workout in the training peaks app or web views.
This shouldn't require making the workout public, and it should allow bringing up the workout view as if I had searched for that workout and clicked in on the calendar view or otherwise for full analysis.
This would help improve the workflow and communication for athletes and coaches; right now I have to tell my…
3 votes -
Alcohol Metrics
Being able to track my alcohol consumption as it relates to my training will be incredibly useful. Right now I'm tracking it as a note, but I would like to see this alongside my macronutrients, weight, and training data.
I've included a screengrab of how I am currently tracking. A simple drink count will suffice (1 drink = 1.5oz spirits, 5oz wine, 12oz beer)
Thank you!
7 votes -
Ability to Build Workouts in Both Heart Rate and Power
i.e. 1hr @ "X" HR, then 2x20min @ "Y" Power, then 1hr @ "X" HR.
19 votesPlanning on this feature in Q3 or Q4 of this year.
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