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TrainingPeaks Customer Feedback



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  1. As a coach, I have athletes who prefer to use the metric system (kms) and others prefer to use the imperial system (miles). It would be great if I could choose any of those two systems, based on the athlete.

    Currently I'm using the metric system, which means that this counts for all of my athletes. This is especially complicated when I'm using the workout builder for athletes that use miles. I'm setting their training in miles, and pace in minutes per mile. But the workout builder mentions the pace only in minutes per km.

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    • We would like the possibity for clients to move a planned workout (strength) to a later date. This is possible for runs, but only for strength in the premium accounts.
    • we would like a parameter: duration/side and different reps for left or right side
    • can we view in the calender only strength workouts, or only runs for exemple? sometimes we only want to see the runs, not peoples bike rides in the weekend :-)
    • can we export the library to a file?
    • we would like to be able to hide strength workouts


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  3. I may be missing something, but when using the Training Peaks website on an iPad the metrics window is too large. The command buttons on the bottom are not visible, and cannot be scrolled to.

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  4. As a coach with an unlimited subscription, there shouldn't be a restriction on my account because my athletes are on basic subscriptions. The limited notifications from the basic athletes is a real pain. I have to go into each account to see if a comment was left. This information should be pushed to me regardless of my athlete's subscription status. I should also have full access to their training metrics.

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  5. To have a better idea what the workout is all about, please translate them into German language.

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  6. I have an athlete of who his location should remain secret at certain points in time. To see his progress, it would be great to have an option that his location could be hidden, so I can still see the workouts that he's doing.

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  7. I love the iOS TrainingPeaks widget but I'd like to suggest having a little more detail added to it. When a ride has been completed and is showing on it, I'd like it to include the same trio of medals, RPE/feel, and comment count that shows up in the very similarly styled summary of the ride in the app. I've attached screenshots with added blue circles to show what I mean.

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  8. The recently introduced web design update has significantly reduced readability and usability. In particular, the font size and typography make it difficult to clearly recognize activities and their descriptions. The previous layout was much clearer and easier to read.

    Additionally, the line spacing, especially in the description preview, is too large. As a result, less content fits on the screen, and I have to scroll more frequently to get a complete overview of my training plan. The changed formatting of numbers in the calendar has also negatively impacted readability.

    I strongly urge a redesign to improve readability and clarity. A…

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  9. I create workouts which are time trials and would like to be able to specify some steps as RPE and other steps as power, hr, pace based.

    Currently the structured workout builder only allows for one specific primary unit for every setp in a workout, which is fine most of the time, but during time trial workouts, e.g. Cooper V02max tests, Critical Power tests, etc. The purpose of these tests is to establish or verify current best efforts, not to perscribe best effort goals or ranges.

    My clients do a significant amount of testing throughout their training and it would…

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  10. How about a simple feature to calculate relative steepness called “absolute grade”? It would simply take the absolute value of the grade for any given climb or descent, and divide it by distance. For example, when I ran the Headlands 100M, which gains and loses about 20K feet over the distance, absolute grade would come out to 7.6%. That’s an exceptionally useful number to have, and must be extremely easy to calculate.

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  11. I deliver trainings either in pace threshold or power threshold. Because I copy paste some trainings, sometimes I will use the wrong unit (using power threshold vs pace threshold for example). I always audit each training once I m done but this takes time as I have to enter the training and hoover on the structured work-out. Would like an icon or colour in the structured work-out in calendar view to save time. For example a little lightning strike on the structured workout if this is a power based training, a shoe icon if it s pace based, etc..

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  12. It would great if the laps and splits column chart could be enlarged. When there are lots of laps in an interval session, it is hard to easily analyze all the lap times. Something like Stravas model would be easier to read. This also goes for the the list data. It would be great to be able to expand and see the whole list if needed.

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  13. Hi,
    Please would it be possible to set MAF heart rate (180-age) as a heart rate single zone for running and cycling? This would make it easier to write training sessions for MAF HR and also train in the right zone.
    Coach Karen

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  14. It has been almost 9 years since you said this wasn't on your road map. Well, the roads have definitely changed; maybe it's time to reevaluate that map! I was a die hard MFP user for many years. MFP has changed and it's not the program it once was for me and many others. LoseIt! is rapidly gaining traction as the primary tracking app for many users. I switched and have no desire to go back.

    The LoseIt! of today is not the LoseIt! of 2014. I looked at it back then as well. I choose MFP over it then…

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  15. Did not work for two days already

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  16. Hello Garmin has the ability to save your hydration data would be great to have this in Trainingpeaks..

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  17. I was amazed to find that coached athletes don't have access / can't see pre-activity comments box unless their coach has filled that in. Many have expressed, and I concur, that it would be great to have this box visible like coaches do. Very often athletes want to carry over metrics, speed, pace, or comments from previous sessions some way back in the past onto future ones and to highlight them. I often ask for athletes to record specific pacings, or results from say a pacing test over a set distance onto a future similar test, so they know their…

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  18. When navigating through my calender, in this case Google Calendar, if I click on the entry in my calender I can see some varied details, planned time, comments etc.

    It would be really useful if the export contained a url that would take me directly to the workout in the browser / app.

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  19. When looking for "Help" within the tool, the chat bot is really in the way of more direct lookup of terms and topics. The previous help functionality worked better. Perhaps make interaction with the bot an optional path in the help flow as opposed to a thing you must answer. Have a link to the conventional help articles.

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