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TrainingPeaks Customer Feedback



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1090 results found

  1. Mobile App - Allow notification to remind athletes to train and/or log their workout comments (e.g. phone rings/chimes to remind at 5pm )

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  2. A coaches consolidated calendar. Be able to have a calendar view that shows all upcoming events for all athletes.

    At the moment I need to look at the ATP for each athlete to see what the upcoming events are to ensure I'm setting appropriate settings. It would be useful if on a single calendar view you can see every athlete's events for the next three months.

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  3. Hello,
    Firstly I'd like to tell you I'm quite new to Training Peaks and it's been a revelation. Being focus on the essential, and having a clear view on the calendar & workouts is absolutely great. (unlike strava or garmin where it's messy. Also, all these useless badges don't help at all).
    I enjoy every component on Training Peaks and it really helped me reach a next step in training and sport overall.

    Using a lot the calendar an pre-made workouts I realized something was kind-of missing I'll try to explain it :
    -When you have a pre-made workout on…

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  4. After Apple released the Private Relay function, the TrainingPeaks web app is not retaining my log-in credentials on Firefox or Safari. The Google captcha is inefficient. Please, add better-checking two-factor authentication processes to confirm our credentials like phone SMS or WhatsApp messages or one-time passwords.

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  5. When the trainning time is selected, it appears in the header next to the sport logo. // cuando es seleccionada la hora del entrenamiento, aparezca junto al logo del deporte en la cabecera de la sesión.

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  6. I sometimes have a short sleep in the afternoon or after work. Or sometimes before an event, I might have short sleep. That makes my watch detect and send more than one sleep record to TP via HealthFit.
    I would like to see sleep hours by day, so I will know if I have enough sleep in this period (a week or a month...). Separating the record will make me confused if I don't have enough sleep in that day.

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  7. Hi,

    Could you please add a metric like "***** acid-base balance" in the list ?.

    Thanks a lot.

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  8. It would be great to get a calculation for future workouts, so I would like to see planned kJ (ast least) for a Watt based bike workout and also planned kJ for a Week would be great! So kJ as a nother metric like planned Duration, TSS…

    Regard max

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  9. Sometimes we have a coach that send though Training Peaks a general training plan for a Club or group. If one, as individual athlete wants to create a training plan adapted to his goals it is necessary to add the activities of both plans (coach and individual) in the same calendar, making it impossible to calculate fitness levels for the A-goal course. It would be nice to have the possibility of have different calendars where athletes accounts can create different training plans and see their impact on long term goals, like the ATP.

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  10. I would like a Chart or Report that will tell me how many workouts of a given type I completed within a time period. For example, how many Swim workouts I completed in 2021, along with my aggregated swim stats for that period (duration, distance, etc.)

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  11. 21 votes

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  12. Integrate Hydrow rower output directly in TP. Hydrow already uploads automatically into Strava. Can we work with Hydrow to also upload directly into TP.

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  13. Why not be able to search for workouts by workout file name?
    Here's the thing. I just submitted a support/help case for this because when trying to manually upload a .FIT file to the website, it tells me the .FIT file has been uploaded successfully, however, it doesn't "Pair" with the planned structured workout for the day, nor do I even see the file anywhere. And when I try to upload the file again, it tells me that it's already been uploaded. The catch? I have no idea where that file landed on the calendar. And I can't even search…

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  14. On iPad (or Android) when I go to add a workout to my schedule, I am unable to filter the workouts, but have to look through the entire list for the workout I want to use. I would like to be able to filter the same as in the website, by TSS and time when updating my schedule on a mobile device.

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  15. Notification when a coach changes or updates workouts

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  16. Hi,

    Could it be possible for a coach to filter the notifications by athletes ?.

    Thanks a lot.

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  17. Hi.

    I would love to see a Heart Rate Zone Chart on mobile to track my exercises in terms of high vs low intensity. I do use it on my computer having this chart for this week plus last 28 days. However I mainly work with the APP and this is a vital but missing tool - I think

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  18. Elevation Gain and Elevation Loss are not currently included in the items exported with the Workout Summary CSV Export feature. These are fundamental indicators of a completed workouts difficulty and would be very helpful to have included.

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  19. When looking at summary info on a workout, it would be nice to see kJ of work without clicking through and expanding the workout to a full-screen view. This summary info could be useful. It's great that it shows on the weekly summary tab, but having it posted on unexpanded workout blocks, or on the partially expanded screen would be great for increasing efficiency.

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  20. If someone is busy on a certain day, it could be great if the coach or athlete could add "30m" or "1h" or "2h" availability to train, rather than simply blocking off a day as "unavailable" to train. Maybe a cyclist can usually do a 4-5h ride on the weekend, but on a particular week they can only fit in "2h" and it would be great to be able to mark this.

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